Pictured: Lisa Wilbraham-Jones, Headteacher, Windsor Park C.E Middle School.

Windsor Park C.E Middle School has achieved the highest inspection grade in a newly published Church of England report.

The school has been graded as ‘excellent’ following a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS).

Inspectors found that the quality of church school leadership at all levels is exceptional and the Christian vision inspires leaders in their decision-making.

The report notes that pupils are provided with rich spiritual and cultural experiences and supported to develop their character and moral judgement in a welcoming, harmonious community.

Meticulously planned collective worship, inspectors found, reflects the teachings and practices of the Anglican tradition and is celebratory and inclusive.

Pupils thrive in their learning in religious education. Enjoying the challenges that their teachers set them, they respond enthusiastically.

Behaviour is excellent and attendance is good. Pupils, the report adds, thrive because potential barriers to academic and personal flourishing are removed.

Support for the mental wellbeing of adults and pupils is outstanding in this deeply caring community which holds awards for excellence in mental health and wellbeing.

Pupils also demonstrate a mature, accurate understanding that reflects their knowledge
of Christianity and a range of world faiths and views.

Lisa Wilbraham-Jones, Headteacher, Windsor Park C.E Middle School, said: “We aim to provide a supportive community where pupils thrive and differences of heritage, faith and experience are embraced.”

She added: “We are pleased that this has been recognised in the latest SIAMS report and delighted to be graded as ‘excellent’.”

Trevor Sutcliffe, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Uttoxeter Learning Trust, added: “It is clear that Windsor Park C.E Middle School provides a caring and nurturing environment, where students of all abilities can flourish, which is underpinned by Christian values.”

The SIAMS report is available on the Church of England website. The inspection took place on 28 April 2023.

For more information about Windsor Park C.E. Middle School please visit www.windsorpark.staffs.sch.uk

About Uttoxeter Learning Trust

Uttoxeter Learning Trust (ULT) is a successful multi academy trust comprising a family of nine schools. They are Thomas Alleyne’s High School, Oldfields Hall Middle School, Windsor Park C.E Middle School, Ryecroft C.E. Middle School, Picknalls First School, Hutchinson Memorial C.E. First School, All Saints C.E. First School, The Richard Clarke First School and Bramshall Meadows First School, which opened in September 2022. All of the schools that have been inspected by Ofsted have been judged as ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’.

ULT’s mission is to provide an inspiring education for young people that supports them to reach their full potential and become well rounded, successful citizens. ULT’s vision is to grow its family of schools, and pupil and staff community within Uttoxeter and beyond, to provide an outstanding education and become one of the leading multi-academy trusts in the country.
