Reverend Margaret Sherwin

Margaret was one of our founding trustees, chairs the Education Committee and has the strategic responsibility for Christian Distinctiveness across the Trust. She is also the Link Trustee for Windsor Park Church of England Middle School.
A Church of England priest, she is also the Team Rector for the Uttoxeter Area. Many of the Trust’s schools are connected to an Area church.
Margaret has a keen interest in the governance side of education and has been involved in schools as governor and trustee of a large urban MAT for nearly 30 years.
She offers pastoral care to trustees, staff and children and their families and leads worship and RE days in some trust schools.
She would like to see the Trust continue to succeed, with all schools judged good or outstanding by Ofsted and, for our Church of England schools, good or excellent by the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). She would also like to see the Trust continue to grow, both the in number of schools and number of pupils on roll, and for all to access a creative curriculum appropriate for their needs.